19 September 2006

Week 38

I've been thinking...

I want to find out more about mind-maps and other ways to visualize an area as a way of being creative. I tried it earlier, or at least sort of, when I created a map of myself. One was a bird perspective of my relations (I'll put it here later); to which people I related, and organizations as school. I tried to show; by placing the different entities in various distance from my self; how close my relationship to them were. Later I found out that this varied continiously.

The reason why I tried this, was because I went through a difficult period, and wasn't getting too much help, so I wanted to help myself. I had a theory that conventional problem solving methods used in organizations, or how designers solve problems, could be applied to personal life as well. I did some research and found swat-analysis and time-lines and other stuff.

So I tried.
I made a map of different things that have influenced me, and which par of me through my life.
I wanted to make a time-line, showing where I had been living when, which schools I attended, the different jobs I had had. Who I was living with, my boyfriends, etc. I wanted to see if this could help me see things, patterns I wasn't aware of....

10 September 2006

Week 36

10 September 2006
Week 36

Fordypningskurs Høsten 2006
Oslo Arkitektur og Designhøyskole
Institutt for Industri Design

  1. Introduksjon til kurset og valg av retning som vi ønsker å undersøke
  2. Innsamling av kunnskap, data og eksisterende teori på dette området
  3. Praktisk bruk av denne kunnskapen i et prosjekt


  1. Blog:
Vi skal oprette en blogg som vi fortløpende oppdaterer med informasjon fra kurset og prosjektene våre.
  • Artikkel/Essay
    Skal summere opp kunnskapen vi har tilegnet oss på det området vi velger å utforske
  • Presentasjon/Rapport
    En presentasjon (15 min) og en rapport skal vise hvordan vi har gjort bruk av denne kunnskapen i prosjektet vårt.
  • Kursansvarlig:
    Simon Clatworthy
    Professor of Interaction Design
    Institute for Design


    1. Sternberg, Robert J., & Lubart, Todd I. (1999). The Concept of Creativity: Prospects and Paradigms. In Robert J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of Creativity (Chapter 1). New York: Cambridge University Press.
    2. Albert, Robert S., & Runco, Mark A. (1999). A History of Research on Creativity. In Robert J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of Creativity (Chapter 1). New York: Cambridge University Press.
    3. Sternberg, Robert J.(2001). What Is the Common Thread of Creativity? American Psychologist, 56, 360-362.
    4. Landa, Robin. (2002) Thinking Creatively: New Ways to Unlock Your Visual Imagination, 122-151. F&W Publications Inc.